Supporting our immune health and lowering overall stress levels and inflammation have never been more important than they are now, when the whole world is fighting this invisible COVID-19 enemy. Here are 5 tips to help out!
1. Move Your Body
While the worldwide “stay at home” orders keep us all locked inside our apartments and houses, it’s crucial to carve out the time in your day to loosen up your muscles, stretch your legs, elevate your heart rate, and work up a sweat.
Whether you do at-home workouts, take your bike for a ride, or decide to start running again, it doesn’t really matter what it is, as long as you do it! And you don’t have to do anything crazy or work out for three hours of your day – simply feeling your blood running through your body and energy flowing is enough to help you flush out all the toxins and improve your digestive, cardiovascular, and consequently, your immune system.

2. Drink Plenty of Fluids
Everyone should know by now that proper hydration is key to optimizing your bodily functions, but let’s pay even more attention to your drinking habits throughout your day. Always have a glass (or bottle) of water with you and increase your intake of green and herbal teas to help your liver detox better and faster.
Another great way to increase your fluid intake while supplying your body with important nutrients is by having a glass of micronutrient juice powders such as this Superfood Raw Green Juice Mix made from three superfood blends and probiotics to help you stay protected and in optimal health. Our Red Juice Mix also contains two extremely powerful blends for maximum energy, improved performance, and stress relief.
3. Implement Better Eating Habits
In situations when overall panic and stress are elevated and uncertainty of our future is real, it’s completely normal to feel like all you want to do is cover yourself with a plush blanket, binge Netflix, and drown your sorrows in two pints of ice cream and cake. After all, we’re only human, and our emotional state can certainly dictate our cravings – especially when combined with a lack of vitamins and minerals in our diet.
Instead, ditch your planned couch potato schedule and start by making yourself a nice, nutrient-rich meal. When we’re stressed, our bodies are depleted of micronutrients and it’s our job to replenish them:
- Add a variety of colored vegetables and fruits to your meals packed with antioxidants, adaptogens, and an array of vitamins and key minerals (think Vitamins C, B, K, E, zinc, magnesium)
- Increase your consumption of healthy fats in the form of nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil
- Keep your lean protein number high so your body has a good chance to maintain the hard-earned muscle gains
- Stay on top of your supplement game as certain micronutrients (such as Vitamin D and B12) cannot easily be obtained from food.

As much as moving daily is crucial for our overall health and wellbeing, so is respecting our need to rest and paying attention to our sleep habits. Sleep is the only time our entire system gets a reboot and our cells get regenerated and refueled.
Make sure to give yourself the time to recover and recharge. By doing so, are you truly able to reap the benefits of all of the other tools you’re using to help your body fight off unwanted illness.
Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up around the same time each morning – this way, your body learns how to make the best of the 7-8 hours of sleep you give it. If you keep switching it up, your body will constantly play catch up and try to adapt, which will leave it drained and stressed.
On the other hand, if you keep your sleep on a “consistent schedule,” your body will improve its recovery and regeneration process and learn how to do it as efficiently as possible.
5. Find Your Self-Care Routine
Finding something that brings you peace and calms you down is extremely beneficial to your immune system, as it lowers your stress levels and decreases your inflammation. Whether it’s meditation practice, journaling, drawing long baths, or dancing your heart out in your living room; find something that lifts your spirits and make it a part of your daily routine.
The world is definitely going through something unique right now, and life as we know it will undoubtedly change. While we’re all going through this together and staying connected is what keeps us going, focusing on your daily habits and fine-tuning them a bit is the best protection you can create for your overall health and longevity.
Superfood Raw Green Juice Mix
Get Nature’s Most Powerful Superfoods in one scoop and 30 seconds a day without all the hassle and expenses of juicing. Now you can be confident that you are getting everything you need for optimal health!
- Increase Overall Energy
- Reduce / Eliminate Bloating
- Support Gut Health
- Empower Your Immunity